I see a lot of people who are resentful of Donald Trump and Elon Musk merely for being rich. I see a lot of people who believe in the WEF propaganda that say the world is too populated and too wealthy. The same people who are flying around in private jumbo jets eating filet mignon are telling us we need to eat bugs in live in fifteen minute cities, basically urban prisons. They are slowly poisoning us with things like MRNA injections that disable our bodies ability to repair chromosome damage, clog our arteries with new synthetic protein goop, and ruin our immune system. They poison our foods with the same things and worse. And they are creating a monopoly on our food supply so we have no choice except to eat the processed bugs.
Humanity is at a precipice, we are balanced on the edge of a needle and physics won't let us stay there. Either we can fall back, cut our resource usage tremendously, live in poverty, poor health, small numbers, with no freedoms, and eventually die out, this is the WEF view, or we can recognize there is an abundance of resources available to us but it requires technological innovation to get at. For years, controlled hydrogen fusion has been a pipe dream, but about a month ago the Germans achieved a gain of over 900 in the Wendlestein-7 stellarator. Stelleerators are more complex than Tokamaks but they have the advantage of not requiring plasma current and thus don't have that source of instability and can operate continuously. So no longer is this a pie in the sky. There are still some engineering problems like how to breed the tritium we need as a fuel, but in the meantime we have a couple of options, all existing nuclear reactors produce some tritium, CAN-DU reactors far more because of their use of heavy water as a moderator. Right now this is just released into the atmosphere, but given it's value as a fuel, it could be captured for use in fusion reactors. Putting a blanket of lithium is another planned approach, but this is not without it's difficulties as lithium is a highly reactive metal and ignites in the presence of air, explodes in the presence of water. None the less these are no longer scientific problems, they are engineering problems and can be solved.
These sort of things do require large amounts of capital, and this is why a system that
distributes wealth evenly, i.e., communism, only results in universal poverty. This is why you need a system that drives towards equity of opportunity not equity of outcome. If those who will not avail themselves of opportunities provided them get the same reward then nobody is motivated to do anything. And as Elon famously said, "If nobody makes stuff, then there is no stuff".
We only have a shortage of resources if we keep utilizing them in the same manner. We need richer sources of energy that are reliable and inexpensive, solar and wind don't qualify. But we have other options, geo-thermal is one natural option but it is only economical in areas where heat is relatively close to the surface. More universally available options are molten salt breeder reactors and controlled hydrogen fusion.
Molten salt breeder reactors can breed thorium fuel, existing nuclear waste actinides, and U238, the more abundant but not fissionable Uranium isotope into fissionable species and then
fission them to produce electricity. If we consider only our U235 resources, U235 makes up
only .7% of natural uranium, our nuclear options are limited, but if we can use 238 as a fuel,
they are 100 times greater, and if we an use thorium which is 3x more abundant still, even more
Here is the thing about heavy atomic nuclei, even numbers of nucleons, that is protons+neutrons are elements which do not readily fission, if they absorb a neutron they
become a heavier element, but that element IS fissionable because it will now have an odd number of neutrons. In a conventional light water reactor there is over time a build up of actinides, elements that are heavier than uranium but did not fission, and this is the part of the waste that is radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. The fission products have relatively short half lives with the longest lived being around 35 years so after 350 years 10 half lives will have gone by for even the longest lived fission products and they will have decayed to radioactive
levels at or below the ore from which the fuel was originally mined, making them save to put back into the environment.
Now if you put those actinides back into a breeder reactor, this is generally one with a fast
neutron spectrum, they can absorb neutrons, become odd-numbered isotops, then fission, leaving
only fission products. This can provide almost 100x as much energy as the first pass of the fuel produced which means we could meet most of our electrical needs for the next thousand years just destroying existing waste.
If we allow our existing civilization to die, there probably is not enough time left for us to
evolve another that can move humanity forward. I would rather not go down that path. But if
people keep allowing ABC/NBC/CBS/WEF to brainwash them, I don't see any alternatives.