I Always Hated The Concept Of A Minimum Wage.
I think that if I want to sell my labor, for whatever price, that the market dictates, that is my right. However, government regulations and interventions make this concept dangerous and illegal, especially for employers. Since, if I show up at a job site, today, in one of those states like New York, in New York City, where the city is presumptuous enough, to have a minimum wage of $15, but I'm willing to work for $8, that could conceivably, potentially, get both the employer and me, in some serious legal and tax trouble.
It's been a few decades since I was an accountant, I'm not really current in today's rules and regulations, in the profession any longer, however, I'm sure I'm right. Which brings me to today's observation, written, or typed, in the
ZeroHedge News which is forecasting the future, for all little sheep and their government handlers, that think they own the means of production, just because they work at a company.
Don't misunderstand, I understand that there was a time, long before regulations, that, abuses did take place, but we have long since, left those days behind, due to arbitration, strikes, threats from government and mutual understandings. However, unions, governments, ingenuity and just plain necessity, is rolling out the future, for the working man, right before our eyes and I'm not sure that it can be stopped.
It is no small wonder, why the elitists, at the WEF, are claiming, that we, the useless masses, will have nothing and be happy. No wonder we will be called the useless feeders, or some such lot. Behold, this is what the greed of men will wrought and if these, governments and people, do not become more sensitive to market realities, if they, keep trying to punish businesses with government clout, then, all will be replaced. Even when governments, as corrupted as ours, try to tax them even further, they will just plan to take their company elsewhere, or worse.
Companies will evolve, to overtly or covertly become the government, as they're mostly doing now, for some of the very same reasons. Yes, as normally, as is the case, ironically, some tragedies occur by our own hands and by our very doings. Enjoy the future which you will create, have created. In such a scenario, men will be worse than mere sheep, for you see, sheep has many uses. Sheep has edible meat and their wool, many uses. However, what will become of the man, who thought he deserved higher wages and benefits, once he has crossed the line so many times and finally becomes obsolete and discarded? Remember, your useless government can print paper and call it money, however, they will never have the power to print food, heat, cold or anything useful to human survival. No worries though, I've heard it often said, that hitting rock bottom is worth a college education. I'm sure, in lieu of today's college standards, that there's a joke, in there, somewhere.
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