Greeks turn to firewood to heat homes amid energy crisis.
I wonder just how many
trees have humanity saved, by using alternative fuels such as oil, gas, coal, electricity and nuclear? I'd think, quite a lot. All those comfortable little snots, thinking themselves as environmental warriors, would gladly burn all the trees down to stay warm in a winter, without oil, gas nor coal. Just think of the Sahara, and that is what our planet would resemble, if man had not discovered the black liquid gold, it's derivatives and other substances, that readily burns, to keep man warm, especially, those of us living in higher latitudes.
All those people talking about being green, will get their chances to put their proverbial money, where their mouths are. Soon will come a time, for them to put up or shut up. and since they're such tough guys, come winter, they can tough it out and show the rest of us polluting sods, just how, well sucking it up and rolling with the hard times, are done.
One wonders, just how sustainable, using fire wood can be in these modern times, when our large populations will surely consume and exhaust every living tree, if we fail to produce as much oil, gas, nuclear and coal we can get our hands on. I can safely, guarantee that, after a few hours of numbing cold, all that green talk and action, will be put on pause till the summer, providing one actually lives to see it.
Sometimes, rude awakenings are all one needs to focus on the real priorities of life. May we all, someday soon, get our collective heads, out of our fourth point of contact soon.
Suicide_bomber #
Drill #
Biological_weapon #
Sick #